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(will follow)
Supercub Specifications

The Yukon
...und nur der Horizont war die Grenze
Flying the Arctic
Alyeska, weites Land (in preparation)
Wintergeschichten (in preparation)

In the near future all DVDs will be available in English language.
Please send your request.

Img Home01

Welcome to the homepage of Corvus Migrans, the migrating raven

When - long ago - I decided to explore the vast spaces of Alaska and Canada by boat and by foot, bushflying opened up new horizons for me.

I, Ingo Brigmann, dentist from Berlin, adventurer and flying enthusiast, invite you to accompany me in my Super Cup, tenderly called "bomber", on the road of my voyage with and sometimes without an airplane.

Img Home02Since 1973, I have regularly left my everyday life behind  to get the experience of an intensive adventure of freedom and loneliness. The virgin wilderness  of the bush of North America and the impressively beautiful nature enchant the onlooker and invite to dream. Be with me when moose and bear  curiously watch the camp, when rough gravelbars and mountain tops become landing sites, and camp fire and tent invite you to a romantic home.

Be caught by the freedom to experience sky and earth like a wandering raven. Explore with me the width of this landscape and meet its inhabitants.